Tuesday, February 6, 2007

I fixed it.....

I am so proud of myself.  I , little ol' me, all by me self fixed the space heater, and not a minute to soon cause it is frigid cold outside, 16 degrees with a wind chill of 6. (J is defiantly freezing his nutts off today) So this morning when I seen that Tori's school was cancelled (cause of cold weather) I thought for sure Kandace would be out too, Tori is in the headstart program but it is run out of Kandace's school, so why let one group off and not all?? don't ask me but Head start was the only school out around here.  So I went up to get Kandace up for school, but to no avail, she is sick, she is still laying down and it's 10 till noon.  She isn't throwing up yet, but she is complaining her belly hurts and she feels like she needs to vomit but can't.  I hate that feeling. So anyway we are all here, trying to stay warm.  I just saw it's snowing outside.  They did say we were supposed to get some but no more than an inch or so, I hope they are right.

I bet the neighbors are cussing the little white flakes coming down.  They just brought in a dumpster to start getting rid of the rest of the crap that is still over there from the fire.  It's been close to a year now that the house has sat vacant. Such a shame, it is one of the oldest houses in New Albany.  It is an eye sore, even before the fire it was an UGLY old house, but it had such character, such potential, it will take a lot of money and a lot more TLC but it could be such a lovely home.  I don't know the new neighbors yet, there have been a lot of folks over there the last 2 months.  I am really glad some one is finally ganna try to fix it up again. 

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This is an old picture from when we moved in 3 years ago, but you can see the house I am talking about there in all it's 2 toned glory.  The 3rd floor used to be the servants quarters, it has/had a staircase from the kitchen on the first floor that went directly to the 3rd floor.  it was about 15 inches wide with no railing and steps about 3 inches wide. from 1st to 3rd floor.  Strange how that is the only real damage from the fire was that stair case and the entire 3rd floor, just like the servants back in the day the fire started right outside the back door with a faulty electrical box, then the fire destroyed the kitchen and headed to the 3rd floor thru that little staircase, Kitchen and 3rd floor gone, but the 2nd floor was virtually untouched.

I am glad to see some one over there fixing it up.

not happy about the guy that keeps showing up with the Viking jacket, lol, that's all I need around here another football junkie....

oh well it could be worse....

he could be a Packers fan.......


Anonymous said...

OMG, the house is beautiful ... well at least from what I see. I love old homes & am always telling DH if we come into some money ... a lot of money I want to buy an old home, restore it & turn it into a bed & breakfast. Emmi

Anonymous said...

Be careful Space heaters are dangerous when working properly !
Keep an Eye On it!

Anonymous said...

I remember when you wrote about that fire.  Poor house, being vacant all this time.  It's looks like it was beautiful.  I love those types of houses.  Have a good one.

Anonymous said...

I'm in Packer country, but definately not a Packer fan.  YOU fixed the space heater?  I'm impressed.  I still dont trust those things though.  Dave has one in his office and Im always hoping he remembers to turn it off.   :)
http://journals.aol.com/mrsm711/LatteDah/     Tracy

Anonymous said...

I have FINALLY made my way here...Glad you are here I was missing ya. Good job on the space heater!! Have to keep warm somehow. It has been very cold on my side of the river. Yeah the Bears blew it!!!! BIG TIME..My friend Holly (from Chicago) said they will be hanging Grossman from his toenails. lol. Anyways...yeah, it coulda been a G.Bay fan...watch out.
my link is http://journals.aol.com/glensfork4/these-are-my-thoughts/

See ya soon.....

Anonymous said...

WOW!!  Good job on the space heater!!