Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Saturday, December 23, 2006

~My Christmas Eve~
The white lights so brightly shines
Making sparkles on the fir tree
The old clock on the mantle chimes
It's now quarter pass three
Pretty plaid ribbons surround the gifts
Toys are gently put in their place
Wine is on ice, hot chocolate to sip
Napkins are folded on Christmas plates
Cookies and milk for Santa
Oats for the little reindeers
A diamond ring is hid in the tree for Anna
Soon all my loved ones will be here
The rooms will light up with laughter
Scented candles will softly glow
Not a care in my heart will matter
Watching the fluffy white falling snow
As I watch each one from a distant
Opening gifts in merry play
I will dwell on this perfect instant
Closing my eyes I will quietly pray
"Dear Lord watch over my loved ones
And those friends I hold so dear
Cradle them in your arms, holding them
Safe in this coming New Year
May they all find happiness and peace
Good health, much joy and true love
This is all I ask for Christmas Eve...
Angels bless them from heaven above"

Friday, December 22, 2006

Sisters share their inner souls

Sisters share their inner souls

Secrets, hopes, sorrow, goals.

Though time passes with joy or tears

A sister's love will last the years.

This is a very special gift, that you can never see.

This is a very special gift, that you can never see.

The reason it's so special it it's just for YOU from me.

Whenever you are lonely or even feeling blue,

you only have to hold this gift and know I think of you.

You never can unwrap it. Please leave the ribbon tied.

   Just hold the box close to your heart.  It's filled with LOVE inside.

Sunday, December 3, 2006